When I started out these profiles, my intent was to highlight how the Army is not composed of ignorant hillbilly grunts and blowhard red-tape lovin' officers and whatever other stereotypes you have out there.
For example, Pfc. Stephanie Cassinos.
Soon-to-be Specialist Cassinos was an art school brat with a punk band called the Sold-outs. Now she's 23 with two song credits and the National Anthem at a Timberwolves game under her belt. (Coincidently, former Memphis Grizzly and current Minnesota Timberwolf Mike Miller has the same haircut as Pfc. Cassinos. Perhaps Cassinos, a Sharpshooter, could give Miller a few tips on his shot.)
She's currently on leave, taking care of her mother, as chronicled in her blog, which is creative in ways this link is not.
A Canadian (Quick edit: Not actually Canadian) and a big-sister figure, she fits our unit's Five Man Band.
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