Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My first pro photo shoot part 8

I uploaded the photos. One of them I liked, but it featured a girl with bangs hanging over her face. Frankly, I think out-of-regulations hair is hot, but bangs are a no-go in the military. It is not the Army's policy that soldiers show individuality.
"Maybe her hair is normally squared-away and just fell over her face for prayer," said Pfc. Cassinos.
"No no no," I said. "I've seen her around. Those are definately not prayer bangs."
We discussed.
Then we decided.
We'll run it. Those unsquared-away bangs tell a freaking story, so, uh, screw the rules!

1 comment:

  1. I like the shot.

    Cool story, and I know how uncomfortable it can be trying to score shots in a church. Almost feels like your invading their personal space.

    I made sure to give some people in class the link to your blog, as well as Marian.

    Hope all is well.
    Take care.
